Our Philosophy

Weight gain is a gradual process that occurs over many months or years. Obesity often involves a combination of intersecting factors, which is why fad diets and crash exercise programs usually don’t help in the long run. The Kaiser Permanente Weight Management Program is more than just a quick fix. We want help you lose weight and keep it off.

Here’s How We Can Help

We have designed a weight loss program to help you improve your health now—and for years to come. At our Northern California Kaiser Permanente locations, your good health is our passion.

Our program has 4 basic elements:

  • Medical supervision to ensure your safety
  • Meal replacements to reduce your weight and improve your overall health
  • Weekly classes to teach you how to change your behaviors and lifestyle and sustain your weight loss over time 
  • Learning about the importance of physical activity to help you keep the weight off

You’ll Learn to Make Healthy Choices Every Day

The ability to make healthy choices on a daily, ongoing basis is a learned skill. We can give you the tools you need to build healthy daily habits and deal with challenging situations in a positive way so you’re more likely to succeed in keeping weight off.

While you’re learning new skills and creating better health habits, you’ll also use meal replacements to help take weight off rapidly and safely. Seeing results can keep you motivated while you begin to make long-term diet and physical activity changes.

"Running is my passion. 60 pounds lighter and 100 miles longer!"
-Raven, actual patient
Lost 57 pounds
Success Stories

You’ll Learn to Maintain Your New Weight

Our program is designed to last longer than most meal replacement programs, so you have time to learn and apply your new skills. You will have the opportunity to participate in weekly group sessions for 82 weeks, where you can discuss your progress, get support from others, and keep on track with your goals. Learn about our 3-phase program.

You’ll Learn to Improve Your Overall Health and Lifestyle

Good health improves your quality of life. The Medical Weight Management Program can help you:

  • Reduce your weight
  • Lower your risk of heart disease
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Lower your cholesterol and blood glucose levels
  • Manage diabetes
  • Relieve joint pain from excess weight
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